Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome 2012

Not much to say but a few people are asking about my progress and it seemed a fairly positive post to start the new year off with.

I didn't quite make the first goal of being home from hospital by week but the next goal was to be able to shower standing up by week 2.
Sad aye that I couldn't even stand long enough to wash myself. Actually I couldn't even wash myself properly. Week 2 coincided with Christmas and I didn't want anyone seeing the plastic chair in the shower.
That goal was achieved a day early.

Week 3 goal was to sleep in a bed again. Lying down was very difficult and painful so I spent most of my time in a lazy boy chair.
The drugs were affecting me badly at this point too and I made to decision that pain was preferable to throwing up 3 times a day (inflicting more pain) so paracetamol and ibuprofen became my friends.
Sleeping lying down is still not great, but I am sleeping bed every night.

Week 4's goal was achieved 2 days early. It was too walk around the horse paddock. It's about 20 something acres in size and normally takes around 20 minutes to walk round. Yesterday I did it in 30 minutes. Had to come straight in and sit down for a while but I did do it.

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