Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just pic's

Simon & Juno

The very cheeky Juno

And today's photo showing yet more improvement in Trix.
We had the adult riding club here today. Was touch and go considering all the rain we had overnight.
I was somewhat anxious about today. I haven't ridden for 4 weeks and have probably only ridden Trix 5 or 6 times.
She was brilliant though and showed just why she suits me for now.

If the cantering sideways up hills on the way home was any thing to go by, I'd say she is feeling pretty good right now.
Funny though, she had her ears flattened and turned out sideways at the same time! For a second I thought there was something wrong but no, as soon as we got to the top, the ears returned to their normal forward position.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Trix is looking great.!!
Awesome photos.