Friday, April 10, 2009

Horse's, Easter and a cat

A few members of the H.O.R.S.E club came out for an Good Friday ride.

Summer, Cliffie and the new pony watching everyone arrive.

We were just at the gate in the house paddock when I heard a cat crying. I knew it wasn't our two as they were both in bed when I left them!

So we continued on and I made a mental note to go and check when we got back.

We had a nice enjoyable ride for almost 2 hrs and the weather stayed fine till the last few minutes.
Gus was going like a train, YAHOO!!! He even threw in an almighty shy and I couldn't have been happier about it, LOL.

So after we had made the horses comfortable and were having lunch I asked Ryan to go and check the trees in the swamp for the cat I had heard.
He turned up after only a very short time with a gorgeous tabby kitten under his arm. It was terrified of the motorbike of course but was very relieved to be found.
It proceeded to rub and purr its way through lunch with us.

Happy Easter people. Have fun, enjoy your families, and keep safe.

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