It's been a memorable week, mostly for all the wrong reasons!!
Not being able to get out of the hospital carpark (had been for more x-rays) was not my ideal start to the day, let alone the week.
I had always wondered, what does happen when those barrier arms fail to open and the machine has swallowed your ticket. Now I know...................absolutely nothing!
You just sit there thinking to yourself until your brain engages (it was still before 9 am on a Monday) and you find the number to ring so that someone can come and let you out.
HORSE meeting later that night meant a second trip back over the hill. I don't get how an event that is supposed to have an emphasis on "FUN" can turn into such a debacle when the organising committee (us) pulls the pin due to lack of support.
And today the fallout is still happening..................
Today was fairly average. Falling off Summer in a most unfashionable way just added to the general feeling.
Being the opinionated madam that she is, she was in a hurry to get home from our ride and did NOT want to take ANY time to shut the gates.
Another smack in the head for me, not too bad this time lead to madam having a firm telling off. However at the next gate she did not want to back up while I pulled the gate and reared sideways which left me to fall off backwards while still hanging onto the gate.
It would have looked very funny. However I was not impressed and madam had a ground work session on backing and moving sideways on command.
The next gate was done with much skill and lots of care. The 20 minutes of trotting prior to it might have helped.
Chief had to have a day off yesterday. He was quite tense when I got on tonight so I had Charlie close the gate into the small paddock. Instant transformation once the escape route had been removed. He did want to kill the cat though and kept trying to make a beeline for Dozer who was enjoying the late afternoon sun while rolling in the dust.
He really is a very intense little horse. I hope he settles but need to remember just how far he's come in the past 6 mths.
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