Wednesday, November 24, 2010


A tragedy has occurred in our tiny country with the Pike River Mine Disaster.
It ranks as the worst national mining disaster in 96 years since 43 coal miners lost their lives at Ralph's Mine, in the Waikato.
29 men have lost their lives at Pike River.

Coal Mining is such a dangerous industry and yet our need (or desire) for more power is increasing. A comment from a friend regarding the windmills and local resistance to them startled me somewhat this evening. Maybe they aren't as bad, as some people think

Our lovely daughter announced her engagement on Saturday. And while we were there celebrating with her and her partners parents, our son was doing another disappearing act.
He even rang me to say he was going out. One heck of a going out when you take nearly every piece of clothing you own.
Parental rights in this country suck.

On the horse front. Summer has been a star mostly. a few awesome farm rides with friends in the past few days have been great despite the constant wind which is very tiring.

I took Chief today to have some blood taken to check his Selenium levels. Not being able to supplement him in any way means he has missed out on the Vit/mineral supplements the others get.
It will be good to know what his is at.
I haven't ridden him since the wind got up again. He is just so spooky and reactive. Not sure where to go next with him. Lots more desensitising games maybe??

Combined with stuffing up a report in the newsletter regarding a shield challenge that has caused nothing but grief since the day our club started working on it, the news of a family member with terminal cancer as well as some other normal household issues, this has been a pretty sucky time of the year............

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