Friday, August 7, 2009

It was very foggy this morning

No big deal for most people around the Waikato but we hardly EVER see proper fog out here.\

I was up early enough to watch the sun rise and as it tried to shine through the fog it was a really amazing sight. I tried to get photo's and while they don't show how amazing it looked you get the idea.

And then we took the horses to the beach. Miss Yellow pony was a bit like an explosion waiting to happen for a while but we had fun.
You can still see the fog looking back towards Raglan/ Te Akau.

And then the sun came out properly and we had the most beautiful, windless day. Got the float and 2 cars waterblasted this afternoon too.

The sunset tonight was equally amazing but by the time I got a was gone. Seems like tomorrow might be a good day too :-)

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