Friday, April 17, 2009

Now I am starting to worry.................

I have been thinking all week that Gus was picking up nicely.
However I took his cover off this morning while he was eating his feed and wasn't too happy with him again.
This evening, just to make sure, I took his cover off again and now I am really not happy again.

I have changed his feed slightly in the past 24 hrs but surely it hasn't made that much affect.
This has been the regular cycle with him for the past few months and its starting to drive me slightly mad.
There is another small ride locally this weekend which I had hoped to go along too but now I will probably pull out.

Summer is nearly right again. I seem to have been saying nearly for ages now and that is causing me some major frustration.

"Friday" the kitten used another of her 9 lives yesterday. After searching all over the place for her yesterday before going out, we decided she was off sleeping somewhere.
I backed the car very slowly out of the house drive and then headed off down the drive.
Ryan was with me and he got out to get the gate and looked around and said "I think I can hear a cat".

I jumped out of the car and about the same time Friday took off from somewhere under the car straight towards the main road.
Thankfully the fast approaching car made enough noise to turn her back and she flew straight up under the car again.
She was obviously sleeping up underneath the car somewhere. So lucky she never fell off and even luckier the gate was closed or she really would have been in trouble.

Ryan fished her out and I swear she was still shaking an hour later and so was I!

The kitten thankfully will be fine, she is now terrified of cars......probably a good thing.

The horses though....Summer will come right I know, but is Gus going too? There, I have said it now. The thing that is worrying me most.


sally said...

I understand your worry .....take a moment for youself to sit back and enjoy these beautiful balmy evenings with a bottle of wine. Horses are our passion and enjoyment but sent to try us. Sometimes I think we need a mental break, especially when they have problems. Not the answer I know but hopefully the problems will sort themselves. All the best

Sharon said...

You have reminded me that sometimes you need to "leave it to the universe". Thanks for that.