Monday, September 15, 2008

A busy weekend

We have had Kai (The Roany Pony) advertised on Trade Me and Friday he had some people viewing him.
They liked him a lot but as luck would have it they had a big gelding (16.3 hh) that they were looking to sell to buy something a bit smaller, like Kai.
So of we trundled on Saturday to look at their big boy to see if a swap was going to be the best thing for everyone involved.

Sultan as he's known is 5 yrs old and seems to be a big softie. Possibly been leading his owners a bit astray and didn't much like having Charlie on him but settled down quickly and he seems honest enough.
So now Charlie has a trekking pony. He is pretty light in condition, but already is looking a lot better. Photo's taken 2 days after he arrived and he is a lot fuller looking anyway.

I am a little bit worried about Kai but they seem like nice people and they tell me they are going to get some help from a western trainer who is local to them as that is what they are hoping to get into. Fingers crossed it all goes well. He is a good boy but still pretty green.

Sunday we went for a good ride with the HORSE club. A new location (must go and mark my map) at Huntly that I haven't ridden on before. A good steady farm ride in good weather and good company. We met Susan at Whatawhata and put Gus on her truck with Fozzie. Its times like that, that make me appreciate how steady Gus is and also the work that I put into making sure they load happily. He walked straight on up without a fuss.

Jan is organising us to do another collection on our horses, this time for Breast Cancer on October 10.
Not sure how the boys will feel about being decked out in pink but hey its for a good cause!!

I want to build up Gus a bit. I went to buy Muscle Max and got talked into Zano bolic. This is going to be his before photo. She reckons we should see an improvement in 3 weeks so I will take another photo to compare.

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