The trip over was about 6 hours to the starting point at Port Jackson. A beautiful place but crikey when the wind blows, boy does it blow!!! Many flattened tents that night. I think the only thing keep mine on the ground was us in it!
Woke to a beautiful morning though. Still very windy but promises of clear sky's.
The day I think I enjoyed the most was a really tough ride through some very difficult country. Steep clay banks, heavily rutted and extremely slippery from recent rain. Lots of people chose to lead their horse. Several horse's slipped onto their knees, one even just stopped and couldn't be moved for quite some time till she had recovered but most of the horse's made it through fine. Summer just danced her way through the lot with me hanging on!! Not many photo's sorry, too busy!!
Following a mule called The Colonel, while his rider played the bagpipes on the road through Coromandal's main street has to be highlight!! What fun that afternoon was!!
Showering in a truck!! Toilets in another truck!! And a marquee thats seats approximately 300 people that needs to be moved every time we shift camp. Endless truckloads of water to keep everyone going really takes a lot of organising. The volunteers do a fabulous job and I guess it would be difficult to do the whole thing with out them really.
I feel a real sense of achievement but my hat really goes off the people like 77 year old Len who walked almost the entire way. People with obvious disabilities riding with the rest of us and those bikers (including one couple on a tandem) who seemed to be pushing bikes as much as they were riding them thanks to some difficult terrain!!
A good time to remember here though that the Great NZ Trek is about raising money to help find a cure for MS. What a great way to do it though. I hear over $30,000.00 was raised.
Port Jackson to Tairua- stage 3 of the Great NZ Trek completed....................................roll on stage 4!
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